
Sunday, April 25, 2010

{{ okay. stop slacking off }}

focus. focus. focus.

2 more exams. focus.

focus. focus. focus.

{{ i want!! }}

I can't wait until the end of exams. I'm studying Econ right now and.. err.. well lets just say I slacked off near the end of term and I have no idea what this capital cost allowance is.. 

Anyway, in 5 days I will be done. Summer will begin and I will start learning the ukulele. I want to buy this as my first ukulele. It's a Kamoa Mahogany pineapple. 

I don't think L&M carries them. I'll have to buy it online. 

Maybe I'll go to L&M when I move back to Vic and see what other ones attract my eyes. The Kala KA-S seems to be a popular beginner's choice. 

Saturday, April 24, 2010

{{ a need to travel }}

[109-365] Welcome to Spain!!, originally uploaded by Beatriz AG.

I went to see my mum at the airport today. While I was waiting for her, I wandered around the airport, observing people. I wanted to go somewhere. I wanted to fly somewhere. The airport has a very peculiar smell.. do you know that smell?

Lots of traveling planned for this summer. I can't wait!

{{ a read! }}

I plan to get this book

I've heard it's a fast and funny read.

I think I'll get it when I'm back in Victoria.

Anyway, so concrete was a hard exam.. It didn't seem like there was enough time. Bah. yes.. Bah.

This is what I felt like after the exam..

I got a little depressed after the exam so I went to DQ and had a blizzard. If it wasn't for the promotion of getting the 2nd blizzard for 25 cents, I wouldn't have gotten a blizzard. I don't like them. They are way too sweet and after 1/3 of the cup, you start to feel really nasty.

I much prefer the dipped cones. I've always liked them.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

{{ a flickr: time is passing }}

snooze, please?, originally uploaded by yyelsel_ann.

2 down, 3 more exams to go.

I slacked off last night and had tacos with friends. I had a great time though.

an exam at 3:30 this afternoon: advance concrete design..

Sunday, April 18, 2010

{{ exams }}

I'm probably taking a little break from blogger because the exam period is starting. It has been most unfortunate that time always feel so limited. I'd made some pretty delicious (and quick!) dinners and lunches but didn't have the time to capture any photos. I'm looking forward to the end of exams. Big plans coming up! Lots of traveling. Hopefully the weather becomes nice immediately after exams then I'd really get into photography. I'm looking forward to that.

Also, I am thinking of making a switch to tumblr.

That's all for now.

Stress Monster.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

{{ Birthday present to self !! }}

Pure Joy, originally uploaded by ::big daddy k::.

The birthday present I've ordered for myself finally arrived today.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

{{ dreaming }}


I've been getting a lot of tea from DavidsTea lately and well, drinking too much of it.

I had their Earl Grey this morning while studying and I think the caffeine is making me hallucinate.

anyway, this is just a random entry because my head is kind of spinning.


I'm looking at videos of Paris and I have decided that I shall move to Paris by the age of 35 (preferably before 30).

Thursday, April 8, 2010

{{ pineberry }}


combination of a strawberry and a pineapple.
an inside out strawberry that tastes like a pineapple.

why is a pineapple called a pineapple anyway..

from here

{{ not cool }}

the smell of good bread., originally uploaded by kvdl.

too much bread
too much butter
too much cheese
too many delicious cookies from capers..

too much food for one day

There was a time when I knew how to control my appetite.