
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

When you're stressed, get away!

Life is pretty hectic right now..

apple and cinnamon and brown sugar with oats is one solution.

photo via SimplyBreakfast

The weather has been strange lately.
During my walk to Save-on on Saturday, I felt almost "hot". The sun was blazing with the sky bright blue.
On Sunday, a couple of us went to the last Farmer's market of the year in Kits. The weather was gray and the ground, slimy and wet.
Today, it's windy. It's very windy. It poured this morning when I left the house. Now, the sun comes and goes. It's bright then it's dark.
Strange weather.

photo via coco+kelley

Let's get away to a place far far away. Provence sounds lovely. It's probably getting cold there now as well, but that's okay. I'll imagine Provence summers with lavenders and sunflowers... I long for freshly baked bread with cheese and delicious baked pasta with wine.

Memories live on. They are there to help me get through hard times.

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